Friday, August 05, 2005

Aren't you glad you don't live in Oregon

So I'm driving home yesterday from work, listening contently to NPR, and I hear this story. About worm farming. And how Oregon has officially proclaimed worms a crop. Seriously. Here is the lead from If you would like to listen to the story go to and search for worm farming.

All Things Considered, August 4, 2005 ยท Cattle, wheat... and now, worms. As of July 27, Oregon is designating worms as a crop along with major farm commodities, acceding to the lobbying of an Oregon City worm farmer. Host Melissa Block talks with worm farmer Dan Holcombe, who owns and operates Oregon Soil Corporation, a vermilculture, or worm-farming company.

In other Oregonian news, a teacher/football coach at an Oregon high school will be "publicly reprimanded" for licking three students' wounds. Yes, you heard me. Licking students' wounds. What the crap?! Not only will he be publiclly reprimanded for this, but he must attend a class on the risk of blood-borne pathogens.

So whenever you think Ohio, or wherever you happen to be, might be bad...just tell yourself "at least I don't live in Oregon."


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