Monday, September 12, 2005

Rock 'n Roll

Well, a month has passed. I can't kid myself into thinking I'm surpised by the lack of blogging.

A lot has happened in the past month - good things and not-so-good things - so I haven't really been "up" to blogging. But alas, here I am - anew in the glory of blog-dom.

Over Labor Day weekend, Randy and I went to Chicago to visit the Cram's. It was a much-needed vacation and we had a blast! We saw the city (and the Big Bean), tried to go to a Brewers game (only to find we had the time wrong), went to a wonderful cheese shop (see photo below), and went to a fantastic a Chicago Symphony Orchestra performance of Tchaikovsky. 1812 Overture. Cannons. Good times. And....we went to Rock and Roll McDonald's. I believe it's been remodeled since the glory days of Wesley Willis, but it was still incredible. Mr. Willis would be proud.

And now for some photos...

The Big Bean:

Kathi hearts the Mars Cheese Castle:

Randy rocks out at Rock & Roll McDonald's:


At 1:16 PM, Blogger kristin said...

looks like you guys are having a blast! hope that all is well with you!


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