Friday, April 28, 2006

I normally don't do this, but it's been on my heart today.
I received an email from a friend letting me know about Erik and Kelly Steffan - a couple on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. Erik was diagnosed with brain cancer December 2004. He has spent most of the time since then winning the battle, but recently the cancer has spread and he is to the point that doctors don't expect him to live much longer (days or weeks they say).
I do not know the Steffan's personally, but Erik was Randy's discipler on Traverse City Summer Project. I'm not sure if any of you know them either.
I spent quite a while on their website this morning and was really touched by their confidence in God throughout everything.
Please pray for the Steffan family and all who know them, as the future for Erik seems to shorten daily.


At 12:33 AM, Blogger Nate said...

The Steffans were on the staff team one of the years I was in Ocean City. It's so sad to hear about this...I respect Erik so much. My prayers are with them.


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