Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cute kid alert

A guy I work with has the most adorable 2-year-old daughter and he likes to share stories with us while we're "working."

The latest:
His dogs have this stuffed, striped monkey that his daughter loves to play with. He and his wife have dubbed this stuffed animal "stinky baby." The cutesy little girl goes around the house playing with stinky baby and treating it better than any of her other dolls. She also will hold lovely tea parties with stinky baby, where she will shove stinky baby in a chair so close to the table that it's hanging by its stinky little head. A few days ago she was having one such tea party with stinky baby and said with a sigh,
"Stinky baby, you're my favorite granddaughter."

Oh, kids, why are you so darn cute?


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